general Questions
Any high school or middle schooler. All students from 6th to 12th grade can participate. No elementary students are allowed to participate.
Any student attending a public, charter, or private school in Buncombe County that does not have a NICA school-based team. If your school already has a team, you are required to join that team. Please note that NICA determines team placement based on the school your child attends and not where you live. Find a team!
Home-school students can participate if they are in middle school or high school, and their home-school is registered in Buncombe County.
The pre-season starts Oct 15 (regular season begins Dec 1) and the Season ends May 30th. Practice days are Saturdays or Sundays alternating, and in spring we are adding one week day practice.
If we have available capacity you could possibly join us until 1/31 when Student-Athlete Registrations Closes.
Not a problem ... students can drop in and out of practice as needed based on the season.
All local trails in Bent Creek and Dupont.
Riding info
While we don’t have time to teach students to ride a bike, we base group rides on ability. We also teach basic mountain bike skills. If your son/daughter is an advanced rider we will move them up into a faster group.
NICA has a strong track record of being very safe, however, mountain biking, like any sport/activity, can be dangerous. Students are required to wear helmets and ride with a coach at all times. NOTE: Biking cannot be made safe – it always has an inherent risk. NICA's first priority is the safety of our student-athletes.
Essential equipment:
Working mountain bike, with 26” or larger tires
Water bottle or hydration pack
Tire repair kit and a way to carry it on a ride
Weather appropriate clothing layers
We have 3 levels of coaches. All coaches are NICA trained and have concussion and risk management training as well as a background check.
If you become a NICA coach and do the NICA concussion and risk management training as well as background check you can coach. Some fees may be paid for by the team.
Races are not mandatory, but we do encourage all team members to try a race. It is so much fun!
Student riders will race against their same gender and level student athletes.
Additional info
No transportation, but we have loaner bikes if you need one.
The team is willing to help offset costs if needed. Also, NICA and Pisgah Rage do have a few loaner bikes if needed. See a coach for more information.
While our team is a composite team of different schools, the goal is to have each middle or high school start its own team. It is best to speak with the Pisgah Rage team director or contact the NC NICA director directly.
Yes, we are actively seeking sponsors for financial support of the team. See one of the coaches if interested. Also, see our sponsor page on the website.
Learn more about North Carolina NICA
Review the current NICA rulebook
Check out the Race Day Overview